Tuesday, April 26, 2016




APRIL 14, 2016


Meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by President Ron Sabel

Board Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, Doug Greisbach, Walt Brunowski and Al Rosenthal

Also Present:  Krista Kamke, Pat Kilbey and Tom Onofrey

The February 25, 2016 minutes were approved on a motion by Ron Sabel and a second by Mike Jacobi.


Treasurers Report- Lee Vaughan was not present.  Al Rosenthal reported he sent $90.00 in dues to Lee and that membership now stands at 15 lakes.

Golden Sands R C & D Council Report- None

Central Sands Water Action Committee-Marti Wilke will attend the Spring MCLA meeting to discuss the work of the Committee.  Mike Jacobi reported that that the next meeting of the Committee is on May 1st at 1:00 p.m.  No Location at this time.

Marquette County LWCD – Mike Jacobi attended the regular meeting and will be considered as a full time meeting in the next couple of months.  LWCD discussed the Comprehensive Management Plan for the County as it fits with Conservation Plan with deals with nutrients.

April 7th Stream & Lake monitoring program went well.  The purpose was to recognize all the volunteers that make this monitoring and gathering of data possible.  Dr. George Kraft was the feature speaker.  It was reported that DNR recently denied some well requests and the monitoring data was key to making the decision. 

Wisconsin Lakes-  Al Rosenthal did not attend the joint conference, but Krista and Tom reported that the convention was well attended and was in conjunction with the WAVE conference..

AIS Coordinator Report.  Krista showed us a Purple Loosestrife Poster which she made that showed the life cycle of the plant.  The poster was show at the Wisconsin Lakes Joint Convention.  Krista talked also about Emerald Ash Bore awareness, she also reported she as not accepted to attend the Lake Leaders Workshop.  She is going to attend the AIS Coordinators Conference.  Intern interviews have been held and offers are being made.

Tom Onofrey reported on the Healthy Lakes grants.  MCLA would sponsor a workshop presented by Pat, Pam and Tom on June 16th or June 23rd.  It would be at the Service Center at 6:00 p.m. and Waushara, Adams and Green Lake counties would be invited besides Marquette County.  It would be RSVP because it would be capped at 50.   Healthy lakes has a website:  healthylakeswi.com.  Can be found on the Marquette County website.

We thank Doug Greisbach and Dave Casper for all their work as Board Members of MCLA.  Both will be resigning as Board Members.  They are true advocates for clean and health lakes!!

We are looking for Board members to replace them.

Next MCLA Board of Directors meeting is on June 9th at 1:30 in Westfield.

Meeting adjourned at 2:49 p.m. on a motion by Ron Sabel and 2nd by Mike Jacobi.  Approved

Minutes by Al Rosenthal, Secretary




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