Wednesday, September 20, 2017



SEPTEMBER 14, 2017



President Ron Sabel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

Introductions were made after the Pledge of Allegiance

Board Members present:  John Cotter, Mike Johnson, Ron Sabel and Al Rosenthal

Also Present:  Pat Kilbey, Anna Cisar, and Ben Nadolski

16 members were at the meeting.

Minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were read by Al Rosenthal, and approved on a motion by John Cotter and a second by Mike Johnson.

Treasurer’s report was given by Ron Sabel in Lori Killian’s absence. Lori’s report is attached to these minutes.  It shows a balance of $967.04.  The report was approved on a motion by Ron Sabel and second by John Cotter.  19 lakes are members and have paid their 2017 dues.

Pat Kilbey gave a report on lake level testing and explain how the water levels are monitored at each inland lake.  Report is attached for Kilby Lake, Tuttle Lake and Twin Lakes East and West.  Pat also talked about stream monitoring that has been done in Marquette County.

Anna Cisar our AIS coordinator gave a report on what has been done in Marquette County this summer.  This includes meetings with Tuttle Lake, Wood Lake, Twin Lakes, Kilby Lake, Lawrence Lake and Crystal Lake.  Besides the meeting she has contact with Pleasant Lake and Clean Water/Clean Boats and had a booth at the County Fair.  Anna said that she is working under a grant till December 2018, and that her and Chris Hamerla are developing a grant for after 2018, and that it is due around Thanksgiving in 2017.  Marquette County Lakes Association will send a letter of support.

DNR Game Warden Ben Nodolski answered a number of questions on various topics. 

Ron Sabel handed out a list of websites that provide good information concerning lakes and rivers. They are :  River Alliance of Wisconsin; Central Sands Water Action Coalition; Wisconsin Lakes; and Friends of the Central Sands.  List attached with minutes.

President Sabel than opened it to those in attendance who had questions or comments about their lakes.

Lawrence Lake--  Asked for a list of Presidents of P&R districts in Marquette County

Pleasant Lake told about the land they purchased and why, and also how they were going to pay off the loan, and the great support they had from the members.

Harrisville Pond  told about the problems they were having with Carp hunters, and that they were letting the Carp on the shores.

Tuttle Lake told about the great response they had from members to volunteer at the Clean Boats/Clean Water project.

Motion was made to keep the dues for 2018 at $30.00 per year.  Ron Sabel made the motion and Bill Lundy seconded the motion. Approved

Motion was made by John Cotter and seconded by Al Rosenthal to have the Annual Meeting 2018 on September 13, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to be held at the Marquette County Service Center.  Approved

Motion was made to adjourn by Ron Sabel and seconded by Mike Johnson at 8:25 p.m.  Approved

Minutes submitted by Al Rosenthal, Secretary

Monday, December 12, 2016



DECEMBER 8, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 8:05 by President Ron Sabel

Board Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, John Cotter, Lee Vaughan, Lori Killian via phone from Arizona and Al Rosenthal
Also Present:  Pat Kilbey, Capt. Les Crandall, and Chris Hamerla

Chris gave his report first because he had another commitment in Green Lake.

Chris reported that he was putting together a new application for a DNR grant, and this would be for 8 counties and 2 AIS Coordinators.  It would be for 2017 thru 2018.  One of the coordinators would be located in Marquette County and Green Lake County because of the facilities for the coordinator.

A motion was made by Al Rosenthal and seconded by Lee Vaughan to support the grant by giving $500.00 to Golden Sands RC & D.  Approved.

Capt. Les Crandall from the Marquette County Sheriff’s office was presented to talk about the possibility of having a boat patrol for our County Lakes.  The county budget for 2017 has been approved and there is no money available for a boat patrol.  Much discussion followed about how money could be obtained for the 2017 boating season.   Another issue would be how the boat patrol would have authority to ticket violators. This would have to be done thru the Townships and the County.  This will be looked into.  It was decided that this would be the main topic for the May meeting of the MCLA.  We can then find out how much interest there is for boat patrols and if the lake associations/districts would be willing to contribute towards the patrol.  We would also look into obtaining a DNR grant.
Minutes of the October 6, 2016 meeting were approved on a motion by Mike Jacobi and a second by John Cotter.  Approved

Treasurers report was given by Lee Vaughan.  $1264.00 is in the checking account.  Harris Pond membership has been paid for 2017.  Invoices will be sent out this week for 2017 dues of $30.00.

Ron Sabel made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented.  Second by Mike Jacobi.  Approved.

Al Rosenthal and Pat Kilbey gave the report on Golden Sands R C & D Council.  They approved to go forward with the 8 county grant for AIS coverage.  Nothing else to report on.

Ron Sabel reported on Central Sands Water Action Coalition meeting he attended on December 3rd.  They are really pushing to contact legislators now before the legislative session begins, so that the legislators know managing our water resources is very important.

Pat Kilbey and Mike Jacobi reported on the County LWCD meeting and the budget.

Al Rosenthal reported on Wisconsin Lakes and said the November meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum and another meeting will be scheduled shortly.

The May MCLA meeting will focus on boat patrols and a representative from the DNR and Sheriff’s department will be asked to attend

Next Meeting of the Board of Directors will be on April 13, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. at the Marquette County Agricultural Center 438 Industrial Drive in Westfield.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m. on a motion by Lee Vaughan and second by John Cotter.


Al Rosenthal, Secretary

Thursday, October 13, 2016



OCTOBER 6, 2016


Meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by President Ron Sabel

Board  Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, John Cotter Walt Brudowski, Lori Killian via phone from Nevada, and Al Rosenthal

Also Present:  Pat kilbey and Heather Gottschalk
Minutes of August 11, 2016 minutes were approved on a motion by Mike Jacobi and a second by John Cotter.  Approved

Treasurers report was given by Ron Sabel in the absence of Lee Vaughan.

Starting balance was $1372.71, expenses of $148.31 and receipts of $40.00 for an ending balance of $1264.00. 

Harris Pond paid their dues for 2017 of $30.00.  Ron Sabel made a motion to send out dues at the end of December, beginning of January for 2017.  Second by Walt Brudowski.  Approved.

Al Rosenthal reported on Golden Sands R C & D Council meeting.  Krista’s replacement will be hired in February if funds are available.  Krista has done a lot of research on Boat Wash Stations, and if any lakes are interested, we will call on her to help us.
Ron Sabel reported on the Central Sands Water Action Coalition.  MCLA will not tag along with the Coalition on legislative issues, but will represent ourselves and we ill e-mail our membership when various hearings dealing with water and lakes are scheduled.

Al Rosenthal reported on Wisconsin Lakes and said that he was resigning as a Board member affective November 2016.  Wisconsin Lakes will be meeting with the Wisconsin Shoreland Initiative, which is a group that is located in Northern Wisconsin and have many of the same goals dealing with lakes.

Mike Jacobi and Pat Kilbey reported on the LWCD County meeting. Mike’s term will be for 2 years and follow the County Supervisors terms.  Pat reported that Cary Jones, State Inspector was training people for the State using the Slowey Farm, which is classified as a CAFO.

Heather Gottschalk, DNR Game warden discussed with the Board the function of Water Safety Patrols in Wisconsin and went over how grants may be applied for.  Hand Outs were given.  It was decided that the next step would be to meet with Sheriff Kim Gaffney and discuss how this can be taken to the next step.

Ron Sabel made a motion to give to Wisconsin Lakes $100.00 for membership dues, Second by Mike Jacobi.  Approved

The members present went over the Contact list for the Lakes, and each were assigned Lake Associations and P&R District to contact and update the list.

Robert Krause has been a Board member from the beginning but has not attended any meetings in the last months and as stated in MCLA by-laws Section 7 Article 6 he will be terminated from the Board of Directors.  Ron Sabel will contact him.

Next Meeting :  Thursday, December 8th at 8:00 a.m. in Westfield

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m. on a motion by Ron Sabel and second by John Cotter


Al Rosenthal, Secretary 



Monday, September 26, 2016

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016   8:00 AM

1. Call to order and Introduction of Guest, Heather Gottschalk, DNR
2. Review and approve the minutes from the June 23rd meeting
3. Treasurers Report and Membership Status Report
4. Primary Reports:
a) Golden Sands R C & D Council – Al,
b) Central Sands Water Action Coalition – Ron
c) Marquette County LWCD – Pat, Mike
d) Wisconsin Lakes – Al
e) AIS Coordinator Report – Krista
5.  Heather Gotschalk presentation on the formation of County Boat Safety Patrol.
6   Discussion on the updating of Member Lakes Contact Person Information 
7.  Discussion on selecting new Board member
8.  Set date for next Directors Meeting.
9.  Old Business
10. New Business
11. Adjourn

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



September 8, 2016

6:30 p.m. Marquette County Service Center

President Ron Sabel called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m.

Introductions were made after the Pledge of Allegiance

Board Members present:  John Cotter, Lori Killian, Mike Jacobi, Ron Sabel, Lee Vaughan and Al Rosenthal

Guests:  Secretary Ben Brancel, Game Warden Ben Nadolski, Pat Kilbey, Morgan Link, Krista Kamke and Chris Hamerla.  There was 35 in attendance.

Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting were read and approved on a motion by John Cotter and a second by Lori Killian.  One change was noted in the 2015 minutes, the balance of the treasury was $1212.56.

Treasurers Report was presented by Lee Vaughan and shoed a balance of $1372.31 and the membership is 19 lakes with Montello Lake being 20 as soon as they send their dues into the treasurer.

Ron Sabel made a motion to approve the report and second by Mike Jacobi.  Approved

Krista Kamke- AIS Coordinator gave a report on projects completed this summer and which projects they are still working on.  Krista reported she will be resigning and going to work for Green Lake County in their zoning department.  Krista was thanked for all the work she accomplished in Marquette County.

Pat Kilbey, County Conservationist and Morgan Link, County Nutrient Management specialist gave a report on their duties and what recently had been accomplished.  Pat reported that Mike Jacobi now represents lakes on the County LWCD committee.  Mike was one of the original members of the committee when he served on the County Board.  Morgan reported that 23,000 acres are now in the Nutrient Management program, which is increase of 6,000 acres since the beginning of the year.

Both were thanked for the leadership and hard work they provide to the County.  Hand out attached.

Secretary Ben Brancel is the state secretary of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.  He spoke about what his department all did from food protection to agriculture resource management.  Secretary Brancel was thanked for his informative presentation.

Game Warden Ben Nadolski answered a number of questions dealing with lakes and water safety which will be the theme of the Spring Meeting which will be held on May 11, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Next years annual meeting will be held on September 14, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Marquette County Service Center.

Motion was made by Ron Sabel and second by Lee Vaughan to have the dues remain at $30.00 per lake.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. on a motion by Lee Vaughan and a second by Mike Jacobi  Approved       Al Rosenthal, Secretary

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 2016   6:30 PM
1. Call to order by President Ron Sabel
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Introduction of Special Guests and Board Member:
A.Ben Brancel, Secretary of Agriculture, Trade and Commerce
B. Ben Nadolski, Area DNR Warden
C. Pat Kilbey, Morgan Link, Marquette County LWCD Dept.
D. Krista Kamke, AIS Coordinator
4. Review and approve the minutes from the 2015 Annual Meeting
5. Treasurers Report and Membership Status
6. LWCD Dept. Presentation and updates: Pat Kilbey, Morgan Link
7. AIS Projects and Activities Report: Krista Kamke
8. Sec. Ben Brancel, Presentation on various topics of interest between
    Lakes, Rivers and Streams and Agriculture
9. Question and Answer period on any topic discussed at the meeting.
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Adjourn


Tuesday, August 23, 2016



AUGUST 11, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Ron Sabel

Board Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, John Cotter, Lee Vaughan and Al Rosenthal

Also Present:  Pat Kilbey

The June 23, 2016 minutes were approved on a motion by Lee Vaughan and a second by John Cotter


Treasurers Report was presented by Lee Vaughan with a beginning balance of $1470.49 receipts of $90.00 and expenditures of $188.18, with an ending balance of $1372.31.  Lee also reported that 19 lakes now belong for 2016.  The report was approved on a motion by Al Rosenthal, and a second by John Cotter.  Approved  Reports attached to minutes.

Golden Sands R C & D Council Report Al Rosenthal reported that the council continues to work on obtaining grants to keep the Council in the black, and improve the environment of the Counties it represents.

Marquette Cty LWCD – Pat Kilbey reported that the committee moved to approve Mike Jacobi a member of the committee and send to the County Board. 

Central Sands Water Action Coalition – Ron Sabel reported that there would be a coalition meeting on August 21st in Coloma.  The Coalition is very active and asked if they could attend our Annual Meeting in September, and Ron thought it would be okay.

Wisconsin Lakes – Al Rosenthal reported that the adjustment of the new office shared with River Alliance is going good.  Two advocacy training sessions have been organized for August in the Northern part of the State.

AIS Coordinator Report – Krista was unable to be present (out in the field) but her written report was presented and is part of these minutes.

Annual Meeting – September 8, 2016

Ben Brancel, Secretary of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection will be the main presenter and will talk on how lakes and agriculture can work together.

Pat Kilbey, Krista Kamke and Ben Nadolski will give reports before Secretary Brancel.

Healthy Lakes workshop had about 25 people present but those in attendance were enthused.  Mike Jacobi was in attendance and felt it was very good.

Looking for a couple of new Board Members.  Mike Johnson on White Lake was mentioned.

Next Meeting will be on October 6, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. at the Westfield
Service Center and Election of Officers will be on the agenda

Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 on a motion by Ron
Sabel and second by Lee Vaughan

Al Rosenthal, Secretary