Monday, December 12, 2016



DECEMBER 8, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 8:05 by President Ron Sabel

Board Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, John Cotter, Lee Vaughan, Lori Killian via phone from Arizona and Al Rosenthal
Also Present:  Pat Kilbey, Capt. Les Crandall, and Chris Hamerla

Chris gave his report first because he had another commitment in Green Lake.

Chris reported that he was putting together a new application for a DNR grant, and this would be for 8 counties and 2 AIS Coordinators.  It would be for 2017 thru 2018.  One of the coordinators would be located in Marquette County and Green Lake County because of the facilities for the coordinator.

A motion was made by Al Rosenthal and seconded by Lee Vaughan to support the grant by giving $500.00 to Golden Sands RC & D.  Approved.

Capt. Les Crandall from the Marquette County Sheriff’s office was presented to talk about the possibility of having a boat patrol for our County Lakes.  The county budget for 2017 has been approved and there is no money available for a boat patrol.  Much discussion followed about how money could be obtained for the 2017 boating season.   Another issue would be how the boat patrol would have authority to ticket violators. This would have to be done thru the Townships and the County.  This will be looked into.  It was decided that this would be the main topic for the May meeting of the MCLA.  We can then find out how much interest there is for boat patrols and if the lake associations/districts would be willing to contribute towards the patrol.  We would also look into obtaining a DNR grant.
Minutes of the October 6, 2016 meeting were approved on a motion by Mike Jacobi and a second by John Cotter.  Approved

Treasurers report was given by Lee Vaughan.  $1264.00 is in the checking account.  Harris Pond membership has been paid for 2017.  Invoices will be sent out this week for 2017 dues of $30.00.

Ron Sabel made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented.  Second by Mike Jacobi.  Approved.

Al Rosenthal and Pat Kilbey gave the report on Golden Sands R C & D Council.  They approved to go forward with the 8 county grant for AIS coverage.  Nothing else to report on.

Ron Sabel reported on Central Sands Water Action Coalition meeting he attended on December 3rd.  They are really pushing to contact legislators now before the legislative session begins, so that the legislators know managing our water resources is very important.

Pat Kilbey and Mike Jacobi reported on the County LWCD meeting and the budget.

Al Rosenthal reported on Wisconsin Lakes and said the November meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum and another meeting will be scheduled shortly.

The May MCLA meeting will focus on boat patrols and a representative from the DNR and Sheriff’s department will be asked to attend

Next Meeting of the Board of Directors will be on April 13, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. at the Marquette County Agricultural Center 438 Industrial Drive in Westfield.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m. on a motion by Lee Vaughan and second by John Cotter.


Al Rosenthal, Secretary

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