Thursday, October 13, 2016



OCTOBER 6, 2016


Meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by President Ron Sabel

Board  Members Present:  Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, John Cotter Walt Brudowski, Lori Killian via phone from Nevada, and Al Rosenthal

Also Present:  Pat kilbey and Heather Gottschalk
Minutes of August 11, 2016 minutes were approved on a motion by Mike Jacobi and a second by John Cotter.  Approved

Treasurers report was given by Ron Sabel in the absence of Lee Vaughan.

Starting balance was $1372.71, expenses of $148.31 and receipts of $40.00 for an ending balance of $1264.00. 

Harris Pond paid their dues for 2017 of $30.00.  Ron Sabel made a motion to send out dues at the end of December, beginning of January for 2017.  Second by Walt Brudowski.  Approved.

Al Rosenthal reported on Golden Sands R C & D Council meeting.  Krista’s replacement will be hired in February if funds are available.  Krista has done a lot of research on Boat Wash Stations, and if any lakes are interested, we will call on her to help us.
Ron Sabel reported on the Central Sands Water Action Coalition.  MCLA will not tag along with the Coalition on legislative issues, but will represent ourselves and we ill e-mail our membership when various hearings dealing with water and lakes are scheduled.

Al Rosenthal reported on Wisconsin Lakes and said that he was resigning as a Board member affective November 2016.  Wisconsin Lakes will be meeting with the Wisconsin Shoreland Initiative, which is a group that is located in Northern Wisconsin and have many of the same goals dealing with lakes.

Mike Jacobi and Pat Kilbey reported on the LWCD County meeting. Mike’s term will be for 2 years and follow the County Supervisors terms.  Pat reported that Cary Jones, State Inspector was training people for the State using the Slowey Farm, which is classified as a CAFO.

Heather Gottschalk, DNR Game warden discussed with the Board the function of Water Safety Patrols in Wisconsin and went over how grants may be applied for.  Hand Outs were given.  It was decided that the next step would be to meet with Sheriff Kim Gaffney and discuss how this can be taken to the next step.

Ron Sabel made a motion to give to Wisconsin Lakes $100.00 for membership dues, Second by Mike Jacobi.  Approved

The members present went over the Contact list for the Lakes, and each were assigned Lake Associations and P&R District to contact and update the list.

Robert Krause has been a Board member from the beginning but has not attended any meetings in the last months and as stated in MCLA by-laws Section 7 Article 6 he will be terminated from the Board of Directors.  Ron Sabel will contact him.

Next Meeting :  Thursday, December 8th at 8:00 a.m. in Westfield

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m. on a motion by Ron Sabel and second by John Cotter


Al Rosenthal, Secretary 



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