Friday, December 12, 2014

October 30, 2014


Board Members Present:  John Cotter, Walt Brudnowski, Ron Sabel and Al Rosenthal


Also Present:  Pat Kilbey, Chris Hamerla and Fred Wollenburg


Fred presented to the Board the resolution for Marquette County water usage.  The County Board turned down the resolution, but Fred felt the County Board did not understand the purpose and the meaning of the proposed resolution.  He asked the Marquette County Lakes Association to help rewrite the resolution and present the resolution to the Land & Water Conservation Committee and hopefully back to the County Board for consideration. 

It was decided that the MCLA would work with Fred and Bob Clarke to redo the resolution and present to Land & Water Conservation Committee the 2nd Tuesday in January and hopefully to the County Board the 3rd Tuesday in January.  Ron and Al will work with Fred.


The August 14th minutes were reviewed and even though a quorum was not present, approved the minutes on a motion by Ron Sabel and a second by John Cotter.


Lee was not present, but e-mailed to Ron the balance of $1899.16.  So far 10 lake associations and districts have paid their dues for 2015.  The treasurers report was approved by a motion from Ron Sabel and a second by John Cotter.  A quorum was not present.


Pat reported on stream monitoring and lake water level monitoring.  Pat also reported on non-stock cooperative, and felt that presently the MCLA registered with the state as part of Marquette County and that Pat Kilbey is an officer.  It was agreed that the County should not be listed and that Lee and Ron should look into this and make appropriate changes, so that MCLA stands on its own.


Much discussion on how to help maintain the AIS position in Marquette County.  Letters of support and possible financial contributions from the Lake Associations and Districts would be helpful.  Secretary Rosenthal will send out a memo to districts and associations to send letters of support and a possible financial contribution.  They are to be sent to Ted Johnson or Golden Sands RC&D Council by December 1, 2014.


It was recommended by those in attendance to contribute up to $1000.00 and a letter of support to Golden Sands RC&D to maintain the AIS position for the next grant cycle.  Al will e-mail those members absent to find out how they feel about the money.


NEXT MEETING DECEMBER 11TH AT 1: 30 p.m. in Westfield


Adjourned at 3:03 on a motion by Ron Sabel and a second by John Cotter    Approved


Minutes by Al Rosenthal

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