Monday, December 15, 2014

                December 11, 2014


Board Members Present:  Walt Brudnowski, John Cotter, Lee Vaughan, Ron Sabel, Mike Jacobi, Dave Casper, Doug Griesbach, and Al Rosenthal


Also Present:  Pat Kilbey, Chris Hamerla and Fred Wollenburg


The October 30, 2014 minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion by John Cotter and a second by Lee Vaughan.  Approved


Lee Vaughan presented a treasurers report, which showed an ending balance of $2125.16, and 10 members have paid their dues for 2015.  A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Dave Casper and seconded by Walt Brudnowski.  Approved


A second notice of dues for 2015 will be sent out in February.


Golden Sands RC& D Council- Al reported on the addition of Taylor County to the Council, dues for 2015 were increased by $50.00 and the council approved that a grant be written and submitted to DNR for the continuation of the AIS program in Marquette and Green Lake County for two years at a cost of $150,000.


Central Sands Water Action Coalition-  Mike reported that there were no meetings


Marquette County LWCD- Pat reported that Marquette County gave $1000.00 towards the AIS program.  Pat also reported on the lake level and stream monitoring programs, and that the DNR is using the data that is being gathered to make various decisions.


AIS Coordinator Report- Chris reported that much of his time has been spent putting the grant together, which will be a 75-25 per cent.  He is scheduling presentations to lake groups through summer of 2015.


Wisconsin Lakes- Al reported that Wisconsin Lakes is working on their 2015 budget, and are actually doing three budgets.  One with full grant money from DNR, one with half of the money from DNR, and one with no DNR grant money.  Two new Board members have been added, both from the northern area of the State.


Fred Wollenburg presented a copy of a proposed resolution to present to the LWCD committee and County Board.  The resolution states that science be used when making decisions on allowing more high capacity wells in the County.  The purpose is that we do not have too many wells, which effects our lake levels and amount of water we have for crops and livestock.  A similar resolution was defeated by the County a few months ago.  This was changes some of the wording.  The resolution will be presented to the LWCD committee on January 13th at 4:30 in Westfield.  Input will be gathered by the committee with possible changes in wording prior to presenting to the full County Board.  Fred Wollenburg and Al Rosenthal will present to the Board Committee. 

Al Rosenthal made a motion that Marquette County Lakes Association go on record to support a resolution that will “protect water for everyone’” in the County.  Seconded by Ron Sabel and Approved . 

A motion was made by Ron Sabel and seconded by Doug Griesbach to have Marquette County Lakes Association contribute $1000.00 towards the AIS Position In Marquette and Green Lake Counties.             



MCLA Project    It is recommend that we work on a Kids Conservation Day in Fall of 2015


Spring Meeting- A couple of names for feature speakers where presented.

George Kraft retired lake specialist

Lynn Markham Land Use Specialist with UW Extension


Our Next Board Meeting will be February 17th at 1:30 p.m. in Westfield


Meeting adjourned on a motion by Walt and a second by Dave     Approved at 2:57 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Al Rosenthal

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